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- The Hamilton Spectatori
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- Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
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THE HAMILTON DAILY SPEOTATOR THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 10 1885 AlUlJHEIdKNTS THE WORLD SPORT THE DIURNAL EPITOME lOPerMOIf c5 Articles during alterations Ainslie wood yes TRADE AND COMMERCE 160 KUG BT EABT ft ri'sli Amviih 15CA8E8 NEW GOODS Just opened oat fore to follow 3 LECTURE A Kill El! All I Stocks ta a 5 6 tc gt 4 Doon Em Mary afr Tf 134 KING STKEETEAST 128 BANKRUPT STOCK 45J EXCURSIONS 1 nantreal Was company 100 at 1 88 1 1 ON AND ATER ateamer will les NIIMlIO I at 9 am returning 1 BatSaiSsfSrf I Direct connection IB hH IhSS DR I gers who are dosWou abb sa i ww be undeit 1 jra I f4 K3 HL I Between Sept ISAe I seed by boat kn NEW ALL SHOES 1885 1885 THE INEST THE BEASON at rnicBB to etnr tub tdou AUCTION BALES Printing for ExhibitiGns JOB ROOMS Vaccinating Cash I 0 0 68? 45 8 6 5 6 0 0 0 0 0 45? 127 61 127 97 128 1271 188? 116 137 180 124? 122 75 60 Extensive and Unreserved Auc tion Salt of irst class urni ture Varpets Oil clotht House urnishings Cabinet and Trimmings and other Sundries 189 117 60? 100 75 100 76 98 60 5010 CALL AND SEE: the Bankrupt Stock of'Ladl' and Clilldran'a air and Winter 00 00 50 50 50 3 50 ITEMS INTEREST TO THE NOBLE RATERNITY WHAT GOETHrON IN AND ABOUT I THE CITY to to to i In conclusion I have returned from my fruitless pursuit but I have not the S3 I gave it to the peddler to take the dog fifteen miles further than hia contract called for It is well 0 0 0 0 5 11 52 6 33 6 27 0 31 6 39 0 We have jnst opened out a splendid variety of Ulsteringa Call and ace them All New and Choice geoda 4 00 to Olfcto04 to 05 to07 to 13 112 SUMMER RESORTS to' to I tot 5 50 to 6 50 4 Ml 06 05 08 25 1 14 14 is i 14 I 75 20 18 16 43 00 60 70 55 I 101 i 25' 12 10 10 50 6 75 5 75 17 10 00 8 00 6 00 5 00 4 00 to 4 00 9 oo 4 7 0 0 5 11 5 11 52 6 52J5 33 6 33 6 2001'200 116 115J izs 109 187 127 125 c8 8 I 0 0 6 11 Toaqbtyg Instance of the Power of Hope Chloage Tribans It is worthy of remark that A 8 stands for the Toronto Branch of the Dominion Alliance for the Total Suppression of theLiquor Traffic Still we do not totally abandon the hope of annexing Canada some day All the latest New ork and London styles in hard and soft felt hats just to band at the leading hatter' corner King and Jarnos streets and said Bless you I when I volun teered All is well When I come back to night I am going to set up the ale and toast Mister Brown is a with that 3 I got for bis dog This will only be doing the square thing by Mister Brown and the dog 8080 80 82 55 57 56 32 60 55 2 00 Hamilton Grain Trade Red winter 70 to White wheat: 70 Spring wheat i 70 Old wheat Barley 50 Peas 56 14JQ Oats 30 to Corn to Buckwheat to Timothy 1 50 to A 0 0 6 11 6 11 7 2 6 9 0 0 0 0 rpHK LARGE NUMBERS THAT VISIT OUB fe A airs give an excellent eppartunltyto man ufecturen merchanu and others to call atton Uon to their specialties by means of Catalogues Circulars gldlers Posters Cards Etc Etc which bs servioeable should NEAT AND ATTRACTIVE In thh oenneoUon wedetlretocad atten tion to our large and varied assortment of Type Borders Onumeiti of which th 2 litho portrait of 1 I) I DOjffiTTORSAs'roi fwMP HAVE tWIjsQJ 10 1881 LOU BEAUCHAMP 60 I POSTPONED OWING TO INCLEMENT WEATHER ticket holders end the public are notified I that ths lloyal Templars platform meeting was I postponed from last evening and will bs hall to aight Sept 10 Mr Beauchamp the great I Ohio nrator la in the city and will wddrsu ths I meeting New Plushes New Gloves' i New Corsets I New Canton lannel i NevTowels I New Towelling i All the ahovo told at 1ft per ccat rodoo 1 lion during alterations TIhiIIII I I'll BANKER AND STQCK BROKER Current accounts accepted Purchases sales of all descriptions of securitUeeffeeted Orders on the New York Stock and Chicago Produce Exchange executed' i HATS AND BONNETS elt Hat worth $1 Hats 10o worth IfW lush Hats 26ojrQith $3 Batin Bennets 26o worth $3 elt Hats Bo worth $1 Plush Hats lOo worth $2 Ladies can Moure Great Bargain by visiting oar Millinery Rooms theae good being part of Iarge wholeealo Bankrupt irm XorgaliM Cm Hwde Dry Geode Hamilton General Produce Market I Beef hindquarters Beef forequarters Beef per de per lb Veal per lb per carcaaa Mutton per lb per cercaee Lamb per lb per carcaM Bpof tongues BUcon smoked per lb Bacon shoulders per lb Lard per lb Ham per lb Chickens per pair Butter prints per lb Butter roll ir lb resh eggs per dozen Cheese dairy lb Onions per bag Potatoes per bag Apples per bag Parsnips per bush Cabbage per dozen Haddock per lb Ciscoes per dozen Whitefish per lb Cod per lb Salmon trout per lb Herrings per dozen Hides No 1 Hides No 2 Wool Hay per ton Straw ner ton Wood No 1 per cord 2 3 Pine per cord Campbell 43 Macnab street north oppatlte th market 0 0 5 10 58 6 ae 29 0 27 0 27 0 31 6 31 6 31 6 40 0139 639 0 13 50 '18 16 to 14 to 12 to 1 00 to 55 tq 55 to 50 to 40 to1 08 to 20 to 10 to 08 to 08 to 40 to to to to to to to to to 6 9 0 0 0 0 4 7 0 0 0 0 5 11 52 6 33 6 27 0 31 6 39 0 New Grey lannels New Canton lannels New Parasols New Comforters New U1 st ering HAMILTON TO QUEBEC And Return only $20 'a MIR OE2O fik 1AJES Has removed to Ms nw office on June Bt South Opposite St PauTe Ohuroh to to to to to to 1 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 11'6 116 11 7 116 11'6 11 7 2 7 2 7 2' 7 2 0 0 0 0 Looking glasses 10c tea steetier 7o wash oaein 10o' match box oo coffee pot 18c 2 boxes blacking 5c 12 balls bine 5o 1 gad oil can 25c boilers 8160 tea kettles 60c 3 medium chimneys lOo at Ohappel's 188 James street north Hamilton Stock and Bond Report OPEN MEETING Hamilton Sept 9 I 1 Reported for the Spkotatob by A orbes I ST JAMES' CHURCH Stock Broker No 2 Merrick street I (Reformed Episcopal) cor Park and Hunter at RT REV STfcVENS DD Will lecture In the Ohuroh TOJbfOTROW (THURSDAY) EVENING I OUl vv I tfUTIa VUU alUUUUIvU I Services et Silver collection mi 1 A cordial invitation la extended to the colored 17 citizens TKB RAV9 ALREADY RECEIVED OVER Yv 9 000 naira of New all Boom and Bhoea and raapactfQlly solicit the patronage of every one zeozlng good bargain az we 'hav in ztoc all kinds wanted Higli and low fine andooarae wide and narrow heavy or light Boots and Shoes all made on the latest Improved lasts and st the lowest prices Splendid Bargains this wook in i and Boots Strong Euy itting Comfortabi and Durable forget to aik for our Men's Shell Gordo van Boot the best in Canada dO't Oar stock of AT Bell's in rench Eld UULKIM DUUW IS UUW OUlUplfbe LMUMS WUJi V18MV call and ee them before purchasing i COLIN MeRAE ahuvau ny ff nffl UlAAA I A JB XAAIIAl New Dress Goods New Elannels i New Curtains New Table Linens New Curtains i New Velveteens THE MAN Just Precisely Whnt Kverybody Expect of Him Brooklyn BU The ingredients which go to the compo sition of the man are A good face white teeth a nose that has neither sneers nor Banff about a very moderate share of sense and an immoderate share of non sense mixed according to the Gratiano recipe that is in the proportion of two grains of wheat to two bushels of chaff) a voice that sounds agreeably musical in d'ye in the anteroom in a quartet or conversation in any room or in a good at the extremity of the ball stairs a back which can bend like a willow a smirk that does not displace the confidential mood white hands long fingered and acorn nailed if con venient legs with some probability of calf as much superior to the Apollo Belvedere as nowible two eyes of one color whiskers and hair of his own growth with washes essences lavender soaps toothpicks and powders tight waist tighter pantaloons etc lie is of an agreeable temper lightly pleaded and not lightly displeased He is as cheerful to day an he waa yesterday his boots and hia wit were equally brilliant yesterday and to day Being independent ae to property he may be considered as a sort of toad eater a toad eater without the venom of one of these reptiles If his host is disposed to bo profoundly axioma tical and says that mock turtle is real tur tle he does not dispute it but swallows his host's mock turtle and hia real opinion at the same time His hostess asserts that Chaucer did not write Cornua and he confesses that hie hostess' assertion has staggered an opinion he has held to the contrary If his host is witty he always laughs in time and in tune His laugh is loud long and peculiar His other ones are to hand young ladies to carriages to hand old ladies to their seats on reception evenings to quadrille with young ones to wait on lovely Miss 8o and 8o between the dances and servo lemonade ioes and jellies with a page's precision and a politeness of back and body to say handsome things to the beautiful ones to shop with them at the and admire their taste when they prefer rench filigree to American reality and sterlingness at the opera to cry 'bravo for weak voiced elderly friends when a favorite tenor sings and clap no louder than the same when the fairy footed An cona dances These are his principal amusem*nts and all together they make up a very harmless sort of nice being which no one can more object to than one can to honey and bread for breakfast honey and biscuit for luncheon honey and Vienna rolls for dinner ABSCONDING TRUSTEES Of an Indiana County Turn up In This City The three truant trustees of Davis county Ind who have been systematically plundering the municipality are in Ham ilton hiding Their names are Grimsley Brown and Clark Mr Billheimer the county attorney of Washington Ind arrived here a day or two ago and had an interview with the culprits I he said to a reporter three of thegloomiest trustees I ever saw in my life They looked sad and forsaken but offered no apologies or explanations concerning their schemes They blamed a Chicago person for a good part of the mischief I believe the three trustees have much left bnt I think the Chicago man beat them out of about all they raised on the fraudulent warrants because the paper was made out to hia order and he made no promise to hand over the money to them as he dis posed of the paper It is a fact however that none of the three could tell even approximately how much paper they had issued The total amount cannot bo estimated at less than 8250000 for the three townships in which the frauds were The big steal has caused consternation among the people of Davis county and may result in an extra session of the legislature for the purpose of amending the laws which at present it is said allow the the township trustees almost unlimited power in raising money for which value re ceived does not enter as a consideration More About the Yacht Courtney Alter Bad Weather Prevent Baseball GamesBlcycle Race th CLirrsns 1 To thb Editob Sir It is with feelings of surprise that 1 have read your articles on baseball in this city or years you have been a consistent supporter ot the game and particularly of the Clippers But I must certainly disagree with the conclusions you draw regarding the game and players The progress of the game from a moral standpoint has been very great and this is due to a number of gen tlemen who have identified ttfemselves with it and together with the late trophy com mittee have done and are now doing all in their power to preserve the standing and popularity of what is undoubtedly a splendid game Many can doubtless con trast the Eagle vs Central and the junior championship series with the present league games and it is undoubtedly in every sense favorable to the present league series Ladies can and do attend now without offense to them and have a good effect on the general attendance It is generally ad mitted that we have never had as well conducted games and on the whole they compare favorably with the best National league games for punctuality order and skilful playing and judging from observa tion it would be very difficult to secure a more gentlemanly lot of players than Ham ilton now nossesses I was pleased to read Mr manly and courteous letter and imagine tfrat others will also form the opinion that it was a complete reply to your remarks It is hoped the discussion will do good 1 for one think Hamilton need not feel ashamed of the Clinnersand may rely upon seeing fair manly spdrt Yours sincerely LKAGUB GAMES TSSTEBCAY At Boston New York 0 runs 4base hits 9 errors Boston 2 runs 6 base hits 3 errors At Buffalo No game with Detroit on ac count of rain At Providence Providence 3 runs 6 base hits 0 errors Philadelphia 1 run 5 base hits 8 errors At St Louis St Louis 7 runs 12 base hits 5 errors Chicago 2 runs 3 base hits 9 errors quently fell awkwardly in this attempt to regain impetus) When the waves are run ning it requires a clever fish to gain im petus by a few judicious strokes on the crest of a wave and many fish tumble over in the attempt Il once saw ia fish rise close to the quarter and jt flew parallel with the ship pursued below Iby a dolphin or bonita The latter' followed every sway of the fish keeping ralmdst under it At the first dip of the tail the pursuer made a dart forward but missed and again dogged its prey by keeping just under it On the second dip the tail went into the mouth and there was an end of the flyer It always struck me thit it seemed a strain on the fish to keep the wings extended Pubs candy chocolate drops and cream candy only 17c a lb can openers 12c salt and pepper shakers 2 for 15c scribbling books 3 for 5c slates 5c tooth picks 7c mouse traps 10c stove polish 10c a box shaving cups 80c cups and saucers 13c pencil cases 5o children's knives and forks 13c at Wolfe's 78 King street west I Bolhr Matted Jttek avv vrww8 wi T)i ririft nalae staamer Maud Maaon from Toronto will run from Beckett' wbart foot ot Klmooe street dellv tn Bev Vie at in wi a 9:30 8:00 frH0 40 4:30 and 8:30 Dm Leavina T0HN8T0N GILMORE HAVE RECEIVED BV0Vhw to IBwSita Instruction om Mr William Malcolm ex BhJm MaerieiZn utrnm eeator of the etSte ot the late James Held to wIn from et tne wererooma Nos 67 ana OU Kins itfoei i Anw to Coot Coshill Majufie Masob west on Weineaday Sept xft oommeBcing at 10 uXSroik dock and continuing from day to day UU ths whois stock is completely dispos'd of I 7 This affords a rare opportunity to intending I needs no extra words of commendation and all I "4' i IhfiEwnmnicdMutaal firetaCo two day prevlou to the aal when catalogued BERLIN ESTABLISHED 1870 will be turuiahed on applies tlos I The general stock of furniture carpets etc I toiftEEN YEARS STEADY SUCCESS RB will be sold on Wednesday aad Thursday Sept I suiting from prudent management with a 16 and 17 The cabinet maker' and upholster constantly increasing raaerre Itmi giving good era' trimmings and other sundries to the trade I security to policy holders places the Economical in lots on riday and following day i I very high In the estimation ot all it patrons ALL TO BE SOLD WITHOUT RESERVE I Kats on privatodwelllug tom and properly TXBMW glOO and under cash over 100 and rate nf approved security BamBton I WM ORMCHLaGKR JOHNSTON St GILMORE Auctioneer I Msnagw Montreal Markets Receipts S70 noM A BALL reported Market quiet but steady The I following are the quotation Patents at 4 25 I CANADIAN LEAGUE GAME to 5 00 superior extra at 4 20 to 4 25 extra I to 4 00 su)prfine at 3 fij to 3 65 strong Torontos Primroses baker at 4 00 to 4 75 fine at 3 40 to 3 50 middlings at 3 20 to 3 50 pollard st 2 90 to DUNDURN PARK 3 00 Ontario bags at 1 75 to 2 00 city bags at 2 20 to 2 23 for strong bakers I TJHTJRSUAY SEPT IO Rod winter at 92 to 93 I white at 89 to 90 spring at 92 to 91' Corn at cxLLrD at 331 58 to 60 Peas at 77 to 78 Oat at 34 to I 34L Barley at 55 to 65 Bye at 67 to 69 I Oatmeal st 4 10 to 4 25 Cornmeaf at 3 00 JQ fl ROLLER RINK Pork at 12 50 'to 13 25 I JLBTn I14 Ji?" Open every Afternoon from 2:30 to 5 lift to 124 Cheese fine to finest at 7ito 8 Townships at 11 to Morrieburg I and every Evening from 7:30 to 10 at 13 to 13 western at 12 to 14 Eggs at I 13 to 14 for fresh I Gcnti 15 cents skates 10 cento Ladies 10 cento akatoa 6 centa Special rates on monthly and peatou tickets i i New York stocks I Tuesday 1 hursday and Saturday nigh to Nkw Yobk Sept 9 1 Stocks "firm I HAMILTON RbLLER RINK American Express at 97 Canadian Pa I Macuab street cor King cific at 46 1 Canada Southern at 36 Delaware and Hudson at 82 Delaware and Lacka wsnna st 99 Lfke Shore st 70 Michi BOSTON ROLLER RINK gan Central at 61V Northern Pacific st 20J I IX IX preferred at 46 New York Central at 968 I Pronguey's Block Jam street Bprth PMilMinnwli: WH NEW COMPANY HAVE REITTED I I and much Improved the premise New Union 1 acme at qlj Western Union atOg I gkateeeto Openevery evening from 730 to 10 16:25 am Sterling Exchange 485 to 483 I pm Saturday Matinee from 230 to 6 pm 1 I Admission 13 cents skates ft eeats Band in at tendance BOBTON COMPANY London Kept 9 Consols 100 1 16 for moneyand aooountl 115 for bond Erie 161 Canada Pacific 46 New York Central 10W Illinois Central 135 NOTES A petition to the manager of the Clipper club is being circulated It asks for the re instatement of Chamberlin The Torontos and Primroses play at Dun durn this afternoon and the Clippers and Leafs on Saturday The Clippers Primroses and Torontos have each won four games from the Lon dons The Maple Leafs are playing a right fielder named Kent who seems to be quite a hitter Sam Reid of the old Torontos plays pitcher and catcher for the Ottawa base ball club leads the league' in getting runs Ho hag made 98 Kelly 95 and Gore 94 The Maple Leafs have played only 26 a little over half their scries They have dates for five or six games this and next week Manager Spence of the Torontos has fined McKinley 825 for his exuberant and demonstrative enthusiasm at the London Clipper game here last Saturday On Tuesday Smith of the Newark struck out fourteen of the Nationals and only two hits were made off him while the Newarks hit safely ten times In spite of this the Nationals won The difficulty which arose at the last Toronto Clipper game has not been set tled satisfactorily to the Torontos and there are no immediate prospects of these two clubs playing together I sun going to strike for an increase of remarked an indifferent baseball player to a follow member of his club do it returned his friend for you will be sure to strike out judging by your season's The Clippers have yet to play one game with the Londons three with the To rontos four with the Maple Leafs and four with the Primroses The Londons have to play one with the dippers three with the Torontos and seven with the Maple Leafs i The Primroses and Torontos play here this afternoon The Primroses are play ing vqry good ball now and their games should be properly supported besides the Torontos have aot played here for some weeks The game will be called at 8:30 Toronto Sept 9 Early this morning a dispatch was sent to the Maple Leafs of Guelph by the Toronto base ball club not to come here to day as a match oould not be played owing to rain Providence Bep 9 At a largely at 1 tended meeting of the stockholders ot the i Providence Baseball association here this evening it was voted to continue the club in the National league Yachting New Yobe Sept 9 The New York yacht club at a special meeting have de cided that the international yacht be sailed on Sept 11 14 and 16 re spectively The crew unbent the foot of her mainsail early yesterday morn ing and by 8 to day it had been re paired The new bowsprit was finished early in the day and by 6 to night it was in place and the yacht all readv for race The new spar is of yellow pine weighing 250 pounds more than the old one Captain Carter says to day that ho tried to avoid the ac cident while Captain Crocker of the Puritan asserts that he never left his wheel i and had no intention of sharp practice that he found himself In close quarters tried to get away and failed by about a foot Sir Richard Button in a letter to Mr orbes to day acknowledged his letter of apology but politely declined to allow the Owners to pay for such trifling damage Turf The colt stakes at James driving park which were to have come off yesterday were postponed owing to the heaviness of the track If the weather is suitable they will be held to day i Cricket Toronto Sept The cricket match English gentlemen Ontario which waa to have commenced at noon to day has owing to rain been postponed till to mor row riday and Saturday Rowing Boston Sept 9 Courtney and Conley have challenged Hanlan ana Lee to row a double scull race and two single scull races for 8500 a side each race the dis tance in each race to be three mile with a turn In the singles Courtney is to be pitted against Hanlan and Conley against Lee The races are to be rowed in the order named and the first race within four weeks from date day and place to be mutually agreed upon Sprinting A footrace occurred a Cincinnati on Mon day between Johnson champion of America and Hammond a Cin cinnati sprinter The run was 300 yards Johnson finished in 30 seconds by one watch 80 seconds by two other watches and 29 seconds by three other Watches Johnson allowed Hammond fifteen yards start Johnson got quickest away and at 110 yards was close on Hammond's heels At 180 yards the latter suddenly stopped just as the champion passed him who kept up a wonderful buret of speed and landed himself an easy winner and knocked all American records in the head finishing in 30 seconds After the raoe backer requested Kim to run a 100 yards exhibition which he did doing it in 9 seconds Rlcycllng Sphinoiteiji Mass Sept ifteen thousand persons witnessed the second day's races of the Springfield bicycle tour nament to day The track was not well dried at the start but the inner part dried in a short time wide enough for two or three wheels and tbs rest improved during the afternoon The air was warm with a slight breeze uruival won the one mile amateur championship of the world raoe in 2:45 4 5 A Illston finished second and Ives of Meriden Conn: third Hen dee has not yet recovered from the effects of his header yesterday The one mile professional sweepstakes and cham pionship race waa between Howdl and Wood the former winning by three feet in 2:49 8 5 James finished third 1 second later I The fall meeting of the board of officers of the league of American wheelmen was hold to day The report showed a cash balance of 1240 The report of the secretary showed a flourishing con dition of the leagne with a membership of 5200 The racing board were recommen ded to inaugurate a strict system of cl as BU1URUUU I' Misoelteaeon MoCormack of Si John wui be ready to arrange a matou suj AT THE MERCANTILE PICNIO What It Cost Two Young Men to Disturb1 ths Proceeding At the police court yesterday morning James alias Soove indlay was charged by constable Campaign with being drunk and disorderly On Monday night ind lay created a great deal of annoyance at Dundurn park by shouting anf forcing himself in front of the contestants for the prizes tor comic singing An attempt was made to arrest him there but the crowd prevented the police from taking him rederick or William Stewart interfered with constable Cable who in plain clothes was attempting to arrest indlay indlay pleaded hard to be let go this tme saying that he would never never get drunk any more The magistrate haul seen too much of indlay however and would not grant his request bnt imposed a fine of 85 or 20 days in jail Stewart for interfering with the police was fined 85 or 20 days in jail MUSIC AND THE DRAMA Sarah Bernhardt is only 45 years old and has not been older than that for years Prof Gelbke has tendered his resigna tion as director of the Buffalo Orpheus society His resignation has been accepted and the committee wiU: look out for a new director There will be plenty of laughter at the Grand to night when Bad Boy will show how he rules the domestic kingdom into which he was born Mme Christine Nilsson will sing in Berlin for the first time on Oct 12 on special invitation of the emperor The opera will be aust Madame Mod jeska who has sailed from Liverpool on the Aurania has played since she loft New York twelve months age in England Ireland Sootlapd Wales Brit tany and the Polish dependencies of Aus tria Russia and Prussia Barney McAuley the comedian has en tered into a five contract with Mrs lats manager A Mendum for a tour of the world They will devote themselves to Uncle beginning Sep tember 17 The veteran Gouldock is doing well in The Willow Copse in which he ap pears as Luke ielding one of the strong est characters of the kind in the modern drama The first rehearsal of the Toronto Phil harmonic society for the season of 1885 6 took place Tuesday evening and was well attended The practise of Rose of Sharon oratorio selected for the first was resumed and Han del's Israel in Egypt was also taken up in preparation for the groat musical festival at the close of the season Spacial Providence He waa a great believer in a special pro vidence To exemplify it he told me the following oharming little anecdote Said he Boas one night I was gwine back from mighty low spirited an down hearted like I had no money was powerful hungry an' I didn't railly know whar I was goin' to git a breakfus from I knowed de Chilian an de old ooman wm mizzibly hungry too I tole you I was a feelin' mighty bad Hit seemed to me es if I had no friends an' I jes prayed dat a might descend on a pore old man Hit was about midnight jes as' I got near Colonel Mullin's place I heard a yooster crow out mos' beautiful I jes dim da fence sab an I got dat rooster tour fat hens Now very 'sposin dat rooster had crowed whilst I was in I a heerd he had crewed arter I got home I wouldn't a heerd him but he crowed jes as I got by de fence I ho*rd him Now dat providence McRaes SHOE HOUSE' 30 AND 32 KING WEST ONE NIGHT ONLY 3 I t1IUWVALY SEPT IO Ms I I Chea Comedy Company in the I now musical verilon of fi! BAD BOY 7 2 6 8 I AND HIS PA a I Without a plot but witn a purpow to maka I people laugh I 25 50 and 75 cents Plan of seat 0 0 I open on Tuesday at Nordbeimer'i niusla store 0 0 M6 GRAND OPERA HOUSE 33 6 37 ONE NIGHT ONLY 31 TUESDAY 15 SPECTATOR JOB ROOMS' Are replete with the very latest lyie I Our facilities for the prompt and tasteful exe ration of all classes of work areunequallad and i allpartleo requiring Printing are rpeetfully invited to esdl on for an estimate i SPECTATOR any man in the world one to five miles I TTfiT VOT? PPOITTRTTTON next December for any amount from 8500 I JJ Ult 1 Itvll I IXxyl to side I James ell has challenged Jack Dempsey DECIDED STAND THE DO to fight to a finish I MINION COUNCIL fashionable: wedding I There was a large and fashionable as I The Soott Act to be Given Moral and sembly at St church Toronto I Material for an i yesterday morning to witness the mar I Active Campaign riage of Mr erson bwrister The of th(J CoundJlt eldest wnof Royal Templars of Temperance was con registrar of the county of Middlesex to yeatrday at 10: odoek MoBt Miss Clara Ha rr let urton second I th morning WM occupied by meetings daughter of the Hon Burton judge prolonged debates on of the court oi lappea 1 The raremony was laWi and anpelPi(lion8 The council I performed by Canon Demolm adjourned at noon The election of officers nh Place to day There was no sea 1 altar by Mi Burton Louisa Burton and owing to the public meeting Lily Barton sisters ana Miss Hcott of Port Hope Miss Qaeenie erguson and Meesrsy A Mcarlane of Winnipeg Miss Gladys Barton ot this city similar jjamor of were received as offices being performed for the bridegroom I 1 by Messrs erguson Worrell Dar vlB1Kr' ling George Burton and Tilley After I strong fob tbohuution wards the contracting parties and a large I In the afternoon the committee tern number of relatives and friends adjourned I perance presented a I very important report to Judge private residence on 1 which called forth discussion The coun Wellington street west where a weddiqg I oils were urged to make every opportunity breakfast was partaken of Mr and Mrs tell for the advancement of the cause of erguson left on the afternoon I temperance and prohibition Temperance express for an extended honeymoon tour sermons public meetings the cir tnrougn tne eastern states I cuiation oi literature ana ooott i act agitations were appro vea Atten A Marvelous Hole I jon was called to themecessity for united xituta coMtitntioD i political action on tke part of prohibition in the western part of Jefferson connty I iStBt and the membership recommended to there grows and blossoms into curious and labor for election as members of Parlia magnifioent beauty a rose that seems to be I ment and public officers men who are pro indigenous to a small area off country but I nounoed prohibitionists The members which will not flourish in other latitudes I and councils are advised to work in har The bush is a strong and vigorous one and mony with all other temperance societies the leaves are a very light but glossy green to add to the power and force of the tem The petals of the flower curve slightly perance reform Buohanan Rev inward and are the color of bright arterial Phillips Hogg DrBE blood I McKenzie and James Hughes were elected The odor is pungent bnt slightly sicken to represent the order in the Ontario Al ing The peculiarity of the flower is that Hance convention to be held in Toronto on the dew that drops therefrom is of a faint Monday and Tuesday of next week pinkish cast a marvel seen in no other flower baffling the wonder of those who I have witnessed it It is called the Grant I Owing to the very1 inclement weather rose and has a sad and melancholy history nd the fact that a very large number of Its origin is one of those mysteries with I tickets had been sold the platform meeting which nature at times delights to astonish I waa postponed until to night Members of her devotees I the committee were stationed at Wesley In 1834 John Grant and Nellie Lowry I church to advise all who came of the post were married After a happy year of I ponement It is believed that this will married life they and their baby were I nch better satisfaction to those who murdered by Osceola's Seminoles A few I hold tickets and could not face last night years later a passing hunter one of the I weather The meeting will be held in original parties that had found the bodies Wesley church Both Mr Beauchampthe happened on the same locality and in the I orator' aad JudKe Tatem the supreme little hollow where the blood had gathered I councillor are in the city he saw a vigorous bush bearing such roses inm'icm riiwna as I have described He cut some slips STYLES IN ARTIICIAL LIMBS from it and took them to the settlement The Old Style are Awkward and Cheap where he related his discovery I Bt New Ona ar Wonder Such a romantic and singular story ex I cited the curiosity of many in the adjacent I Two signs in the show window of a Bar counties and repeated efforts were made to I day street dealer in surgical appliances secure the growth of the slips in other I follows Style Leg and places but they have all failed of success I Style Leg show that there Within an area of five miles of where the I a fashion in artificial legs The old I doleful tragedy occurred it is said the 8ty le consisted of a short wooden stump rose can still be found with its strong and socket which was to be fastened to sturdy stalk its pale green leaves its in I remaining portion of the missing mem curved crimson petals and its bloody dew I lr stout broad strap It was of the 1 same style usually exhibited in picture Leonard Little Hoax I books and on the comic opera stage The I i uiw I rnzMBtavsscs ra 41 Ara raralrasera raravv ra awsyuev ravwa uow D4J1U UQOll UVl UU Joe Leonard is one of a number of city I a human leg and foot light and appar tougns wno nave a peculiar penchant tor I entiy as comionanie as a crippie wouia re unlicensed whisky dens and for some time I quire past the police have suspected that Joel Ths old style said the proprietor nas been running a den of bis own where I is a clumsy affair and is chiefly worn by bad beer and worse whisky waa diapeased those who are not proud of their personal The other evening Sergt Stephen raided I appearance and by poor men who are un the place and captured a full lager keg I able to pay the price demanded for finer which ho removed to police headquarters work We still have large order for them for aafe keeping This morning Leonard I and always expect to have They cost from was arraigned in the police court for keep 85 to 825 according to workmanship The ing liquor for sale without a license at No I new style of leg cost from 75 to 200 The 62 Adelaide street vest In cross examina former price is for a leg from the knee tion Mr McNabb asked the sergeant what I down ward while the latter takes in a whole the keg contained and the witness unhesi I leg from the hip Joint to the big toe tatingly announced He was then I Those legs are very light They are hollow instructed to produce the koa which he I and are made of a great manv layers of did and when tapped it was found to oon I wood as thin as wall paper cemented lain nomine nut water Leonar1 waa na I toueiner xnev are almost as touen as charged but it is safe to predict that he I iron They are comfortable to the stump waia uu vAveeiy wflwuuu uertmiMir i uu mu upciuKa iu iijvlu iyu mu uwuer uu I almost natural gait There is a spring Why 1 This Thoit I joint at the toes one at 'the ankle which Judging from the following item ofin 1 enables the foot to bend up and down and formation clipped from the Philadelphia I also a lateral joint at the same place that Call of Sept 7 the truly respectable county I allows the foot to turn from side to side judge of Wentworth and the late provincial It i in arms however that this busi inspector of jails and asylums are endeavor I ness has made the most rapid advance ing to veil their personality under assumed I continued the dealer The man names in their travels through the I who invented the artificial arm and hand neighboring republic I was a practical philanthropist When I The Ontario government comtnission on I wa? a boy a man who lost hia arm was prison reform arrived in this city last evening I obliged to wear a woodau stump with a to inspect the Eastern nenitentixrv Th I screw socket at the end Into this he members comprise Judge Sindaul of I could screw a knife spoon or fork to help Hamilton who gained notoriety on account I him while eating and a hook for use at of presiding over the trial of ex superintendent I other times Now we can give him a wrist SfePR? a 'Y 0f Toronto A Hand and fingers which work with springs Odulhvan of Toronto and Butcher and almost completely take the place of ths secretary I missing members He can put a knife Delirium Tremens Without Drink I P00n end fork between the fingers which According to the accounts of the recent £old then? celebration in New Mexico the Moqui In thns eat woat a2rt He dians can indulge in all the ho7rors of Ms fingers and delirium tremens without drinking or pay wnteisdmoet as well as he could with his ing for even a glass of whiskey ft is ears ago this would known as their snake dance for which they een gded as a miracle Thi previously collect hundreds of rattle snskra arm Bella make and during the ceremonies carry the portions of a body now snakes between their teeth or in tbeir ahnoBt Bervioeable as tlie real artfis dancing about with them throwing I Mistaken Identity them on the ground picking them up and I a then running off with them over the praj Roland Reed tells this story in regard to nes where they let them go again Jhe him8elf In one of my one night stands singularity of it is that although their I jaat year waa mnoij astonished on going fangs are not drawn the snakes as far a to lister at the hotel to have the clerk their bite is concerned are just a harmless had never in life as the snakes of the jim jams But in toe hold out hia hand and greet me with a jim jam dance the dancer has already hearty How are yon man olad been terribly bitten by something quite a to 8e you an8Wered him fatal as a rattlesnake I to commensurate cordiality and on Ml Luck Was With Him Koinl? mY room fdund it of 1 TexMBtfting I palatial a beautiful apart Hostetter MiGinnis is one of the most laoky men in Texas he takee a chance I wall The entire outfit ap mu vuauvo i Arara rich Mr mv at a rams no is sure to win xr ne tnrows i 1 i i7 dice for the dnnk somebody else has to nay for them Not long since a New York lawyer said to McGinnis I erk "lth Query did you think "Vend me 875 rather borrow money Vhy' 70ur Mmo iB from you than any friend got" RT Why do you prefer to borrow from I d8od ay 2 I a look of blank amassment the clerk whis Because you have such good luck that I really believe you would get your money I room An actor I thought pid back although I never did such I 1 went np on the filing in my third floor then As luck would have it Hostetter did I ast Eating not have a cent of money with him at the I loumsi time I By eating fast toe stomach like a bottle 1 I being filled through a funnel is full and Exeg I overflowing before we know it But the Upon what did the spring mot important' reason is the food is rom whonre did the drop swallowed before time has been allowed to How lonff did the rammAnv rimr lai'jn a 4 kra Ara lUAVAuoiniu Buwuiuuuy Binau pitMXMi wiu And where did the the teeth for like io in a tnmbter nf Oh I where did the 4 I water the smaller the bits are the sooner I are they dissolved It has been seen with thBPaked eye that if solid food is cut up I in pieces as small as a half a pea it digests I almost as soon without being chewed at kaaHt had Uen well I masticated The And where did the snap I Pan therefore is for all persons to thus comminute their food foreven if it How to Avoid Cholera I is well chewed the comminuation is no in Dr Lester Curtis in his" discourse upon I while it is of very (great importance Something About the Cholera Bacillus be 1 in 0a98 ot hurry forgetfulness or bad teeth fore the Chicago Medical society said that I Cheerful conversation prevents rapid eat the cholera germ grew entirely different I tromany otnertnat is known ne citea 1 nraraw from Dr Koch of Berlin who claims that Geography or th Moon it is found in every case of cholera and in I The mountains ana hollows on the moon no other disease A germ is not over one I have thus far been given names on fifth the size of a blood corpuscle and it maI of Astronomers are as foUow causes cholera by its action on the intes The Apennines the Caucasus walls The germ be destroyed if I Alps Tsarina Baemus the Alti the person takes nothing in his mouth that I mountains rthe Cordilleras the Riphae has not been cooked and drinks only water 1 mountains the Carpathians the Hercyian that has been boiled niaV i I Christian Bea toe Sea of ertility the Bea Couldn't Go the Grass 1 of Nectar the Tranquil Sea the Serene They tell a good story on a south Georgia I Sea the Sea of Dreams the Sea of Death statesman who went to Charleston in the I the Dreamy Marsh the Cold Bea the Sea old days and stopped at a hotel A waiter of Vapors the Middle Bay: the Sea of brought out some shrimps which the Geor 1 Clouds the Sea of Mist the Bay of Epi gian stowed away a best he oould In a I demies the Stormy Ooean the Showery moment the waiter reappeared with a I Sea the Sea of Rainbows the Seaof Dews stand of celery' said the Georgian I Sea shaking his hed solemnly I have tried I your bugs and Iffte them and you I How lying Uh ly can bet yer life I want none er your An ot obwrving S1881 1 I the serial means of propulsion in the fl yin i A Ghost avorite Beat I fish waa afforded me during a six The favorite of the ghost is usu calni lately when crossing the bay of Ben ally the spot where he died Hence in 8al I watched day by day some hundreds order to keep him at least from toe house 89 under the bow of the ship The the Kaffir carry a sick man out into the ater surface was a glassy calm As each open air to die and toe Maoris used to re I fiah it upresd its wings at once ap move toe sick into sheds If a Kaffir or a perently beating the surface with them two Maori died before he oould be carried out thre strokes before they steadied out the house was tabooed and deserted There epparently for it was not a definite are traoea in Grenon Rome and China of I much as a struggle to rise The this custom of carrying dying persons into I tad which of course under water was in the open air I ruP1" motion to escape from toe ship now I gave ten or a 'dozen' rapid beats which Baddie Rock Oysters I oould be counted by the ripples on the still These luscious bivalves are now daily re surface and the fish was off in terial flight ceived by express at the Grand Trunk rail 1 As each fish lost the impetus of the first way dining rooms and can bo supplied to rise which generally happened at about 40 uptown customers in bulk Mr Moors is yards the binoculars showed us the anal the only dealer in Hamilton who handles fins which had till now been fully the Saddle Rock brand and they are extended drooping to feel the water 'universally acknowledged superior in flavor As soon as toe surface was felt to all others 1 I the tail waa introduced and five or six a smart strokes also indicated (by ripples li brought the impetus up againand carried A Boston hank which daflv receives a another dU yards when an Llafke amount of money from Montreal has otBer STbfll UtotoiitooVoacid and then 8 8 flrjed i uo Bank of Montreal Merchant Bank Bank of Commerce Ontario Bank Bank oi Toronto Bank of Hamilton Bank Bank du People Bank Jacques Cartier Union Bank Imperial Bank ederal Bank Montreal Telegraph Dominion Telegraph Montreal Ga Company City Passenger Railway Co Rich and Ont Navigation Co Hamilton Provident Loan SV Landed Banking and Loan Co A Trader' Loan II pref 8 per cent British American Insurance Western Insurance Canada Cotton Mill Co Dundas Cotton Co Canada Northwest Lands Canadian Pacific Co Hamilton Street Railway St Paul Min Man i Bank of Commerce 11 atl27 5 at 127 STEAMER SOUTHERN BELLE Canadian Pacific railway company 25 at cbanR0 of Tlme Ial)18 th IcS EXHIBITION' in awk a I Convenient Houri Cheap end Plen Mantreal Gas 100 at 188J I 1 IU MONDAY MErT 7 THE leave Jamea street wharf daily win iBive rornnt iktn nm in with the on of getting off at thsgrsimd is exni onion wnan THB BATES I for balance of season 81 00 vs n1 1R tlrkota will he and return by or i inr trirM tiKva i mb Special to exhibitors Exhibits carefully han dled and rapidly carried No transfer aa they will be landed at the wharf Ba tee low GEO KBITH Manager I Liverpool Markets 1 Livkrpool Sept 9 11:30 am fh OPERA HOUSE Keporter Md Presented In Attractive form tor th Interested Beader Probabilities' for the next 24 hours Lakes Moderate to fresh winds mostly ast and north clearing weather station ary or slightly higher temperature fine to morrow with higher temperature temperature as registered at Harrison Bros' drug store 9 a 67 1 12 noon 2 The fall assizes open this morning be fore Mr Justice Rose The board of work met last night and transacted routine business The Dundas Sunday school had a watery picnic at terday afternoon i The three sheet litho portrait of Lotta was stolen from the lobby of the Grand Opera house special committee on the erection of a new city hall and market buildings will meet on riday night A regular meeting of the city school i hoard will lie held this evening The meeting is likely to be important Hugh Murray grand master of the reemasons of Ontario will start for Winnipeg to day on a three week's vaca tion' A lad named Howard was trippod while skating in the Hamilton roller rink a night or two ago and had his right arm broken The hospital and house of refuge com mittee will meet this afternoon at 8:30 and the waterworks committee at 7:30 pm drunks had the police cells to themselves lost night They were arrested early in the evening before the rain had time to sober them up There was a session ot the first divi sion court yesterday Thirty cascscame up for hearing two being jnry cases ive were for sums of over 8100 Miller and MoAulay have been appointed to positions in the city poatoffice made vacant by the death of Dempsey and the resignation of Mo Donald The Thirteenth battalion band did not give a concert last night owing to the ex tremely unfavorable weather There should be a double attendance at the conpert next Wednesday i Rev Leo Gaetz formerly of Hamil ton now ot Red River will be one of the principal claimants before the jomminiiffl on rebellion losses which meets at Edmonton The premises at No 60 Hannah street west not east as has been stated have been declared free from infection There has been no disease at the premises No 60 Hannah street east The Orange band will haye a picnic at Bayview park next Saturday A boat will leave Simcoe street wharf for toe park every half hour after 1 pm A good list of games has been prepared Owing to the superabundance of cold water last night the platform meeting of the Royal Templars was not held It will take place to night in Wesley church and Col Lou Beauchamp the Ohio temperance orator will deliver an address Oarrick club intend formally opening their rooms again after the sum "mer by a smoking concert for themem bers and their male friends on riday even ing next A programme of more than usual interest has been prepared I The funeral ot too late Alfred John ston who waa killed at the Grand Trunk railway station here on Monday morning: occurred yesterday afternoon The pall bearers were members of Crescent lodge I to which deceased belonged Gleason is to give an ex hibition of horse training and taming rid ing and equestrian feats on riday and Saturday evenings and Saturday af ternoon in the lot back of saloon He is said'to be a wonderful master of the horse Dr Burns land Dr Hunter will Assist in the services to night at St James ehprch corner of Park and Hunter streets Bishop address on toe mission work among the freedmen of the South promises to be interesting as well as instructive The steamer Southern Belle had a rough time ou her trip from Toronto last night On Saturday she will make two trips 1 leaving at 7 am and 2:15 pm On that day she is chartered to take anEmerald excursion to Toronto and oonsc quently book tickets will not hold good At the high court of justice in To ronto re Standard fire insurance company Holman for James Howley moved for leave to continue an action in the prov ince of Quebec notwithstanding the wind ing up proceedings in Ontario Bain for the liquidator Judgment reserved Miss Colcord the head teacher of 'the Kindergarten has arrived in the city and is busy making the preliminary arrange ments for opening the school It has not yet been decided wnere the Kindergarten will be held but probably a decision will ie made this evening at the board off edu cation i oster Son of Dr oster was charged before the police magistrate yes ter day afternoon with assaulting Rosa ood of Lynden and exposing his person The offenses were alleged to have been comm it ted in the defendant's drug store The evidence did nor support the charges but showed that' oster was an exemplary young man accordingly the magistrate dismissed them with costs county model school for the train ing of young teachers opened on Tuesday with seventeen student teaoherr: Marjorie Somerville 'Mary Brown Clara Craw ford Jessie Connell and Robert Burton Dundas 'Jessie Kirkendall Julia Latty Sidney Philp anny Park Mary Little Maggie Bowe' Hamilton Ezekiel Boyd Ed MoMonics Waterdown Mary Donohoe Oaistorville Alios A Smith Ancestor Nellie Randall Morley Pettit Stonjj Creek POLICE COURT Wbdnbsday Sept 9 John Clnshman was drunk at least oon Bainbridge thought so and arrested him Hie wife interceded on his behalf and he got off with a fine of 82 John Buscomb waa arrested by Sergt Robinson for drunkenness He had no wife to appear on hie behalf and waa fined 4 or 20 days in jail rancis Culican was arrested Monday night for fighting He was allowed out on tail and appear Tuesday morning Sergeant McMahon re arreeted him and bad him taken to the cells This morning he waa brought before toe police magis trate and mads an example of a fine of 10 or 40 days in jail being imposed His mother paid the fine ROWDYISM AT TAPLEVTOWN The good people of Taplcytown have been greatly annoyed of late by a gang of youth fol rough whoee principal amusem*nt is to make mischief They tear up the sidewalk xaalstyAat and destroy the harness of horses while toe elders are in church and commit many other misdemeanors equally annoying and michiovous The trouble has grown to each proportions that there is some talk of forming a vigilance committee and bringing the youthful offenders into the city to receive justice at the hands of the police magistrate There I a shrewd suspicion as to who the offend ers are and they can be easily detected if toe people go the right way about it Woodland Coal I Now is the time to provide yourself with fuel for tho winter Geo Long corner of Hunter and Cherry streets announces that he is prepared to sell coal and wood at the lowest rates full measure and quality sguaranteed Those who favor Mr Long with orders will find him prompt ana satisfactory A Clever Musician A Miss Emily Taylor of this city has been engaged by Mr 8 Williams piano manufacturer to play at toe Toronto ex hibition Miss Taylor is one of Prof most talented pupils and al though quite ypung has already erinced considerable musical ability Burdett Sell a Dog I BraoUia Kscla It is'donat And yet my hands are clean I While Mister Brown was taking his aftenoon nap I sold his dog for 3 to a broom peddler who promisai that he would not Bell him this side the county line The dog ia missed Mister Brown ha gone down the road in the other direc tion and has already whistled all tho dogs in the township except hi own around him I am follow straight after the peddler Mister Brown grasped my hand lour Spring Wheat Red Winter 1 California Nd I 2 California White Club Corn Oats Barley Pea Pork' Lord Tallow Bacon Cheese Spring wheat at 6 8d to 6e lid red win A SOAP BUBBLE ter at 8d to Ilcl No I California at I to 7 2d No 2 California at 6 7d to 6 8d By Montgomery rreBsnted by corn at 4s 7d pea at 5 lid 118 telnteO Comedian Pork at 52 6d lard at S3 6d bacon LC I IJ A Ac IT A LC 1 5 318 UU0W 27 And thfr unexcelloa comedy company Charm I ing musical Mlectiona from Mikado? 1 Unchanged I carrying acarlaadof their own eoenery for tho Liverpool Sept 9 Cotton duh up I entire production lands 5 7 16 Orleans OS and TSoonta Beat! Ale at I iK7m4ia((vv Ar'a innsln sfA a 11 api niiAtia MLttr day morning 1 kJ JEEak IfflW PROPELLER LAKE ONTARIO Leaves wharf Monday September 14 Wk I calling at Kingston Gananouu Presoott Breok Ville Cornwall and Montreal I or freight or passage apply to POWDER LAKE SUPERIOR Absolutely Pure 1 Thle powder never varies A marvel of parity I Midsummer Excursions strength ana wbolMomns More economical thaa th ordinary kinds and cannot be sold la competition with the multitude of low testterawl wratite Ivvvvv rat eraterawwate wra sraraewJIraww only 1b oan7 Rotal Baumo Powdbb Co IM KTEPIG0Nj GRAND RCENKRY THB Wsll street NY North Shore and Dolnth By any Colllng wooa ume steatnrr on following special aatos BB RANCES SMITH Jaly 31 Aug IL BA CAMPANA Aug 4 and 14 1800 miles lake travel a ronnd trip of 9 (ft f) A dsvs: xeeals and berth Included UZU AUCTION SALEO REAL ESTATE THERE WILL be OERED OR BALE I GRANT Alexandra Arcade Hamilton i at public auction by Meaara Johniton I BARLOW CUMBERLAND Toronto Gilmore upon tho premises hereinafter men I i i ii tionedon SATURDAY Sept 12 at the hour of 1 i i za zs prapertiei in Hamilton belonging to Eliza OLD DOMINION STEAMSHIP CO Lockman I f' ndeVYor NEW I0BK NOROLK AND RICHMOND fraU BOUTH AND WEST numbered B62 and wL I 8 Lota No 1 and on west side Locke street I SHORT AND PLEASANT 8EA TRIP north Sir A McNab urvey (save and except I A Ui a triangular piece of land off tho south oast I rom Pier 96 North Blver 3 pm corner of lot lnavine a frontage on Locke street asfolleirs: Itel Wfart Monday Manhattan 1534 tonscrew New bored rpectively 99 tel 103 106 and 111 3 Ess Uli lot 38 south side Tom street Bfr SenoaXtoSw wlth The vendor will furnish free conveyances to I the purchaser but all other expense of Into timLtiAnaAf HtiAftr AthnrwiM haii ha hnm I Dominion tons sidowhoel for Norfolk shall he born by Petersburg and Biohmnd making direct con tK on bid on aach pared Horth and 800111 Tbbms 10 per cent at tin ot sale when an agreement shall be aigned by the purchasers to I TlckoU nd information at complst the the purchase and tue balance of 1 'ranra the purchase money in 10 day thereafter when 1 IJ I A te MflRHAWQ the eonvejance will be rady for delivery IVIUnUniS I urther particulate at time of sale or on I plication to the undersigned I James street north Hamilton JOHNSTON Sc GILMORE Auctioneers 1 Chicago 'Markets Chicago' Sept 9 Yards 7:45 a Estimated receipts cf hogs 15000 Prospects steady on shipping woak and easier on packirig 9:55 a tn Estimatea receipt of hogs 15000 official yesterday 15813 shipments '4930 leftover about 8000 light mixed at 4 00 to 4 60 mixed packing at 3 80 4 10 heavy shipping at 4 15 to 4 55 1 Receipts 8000 i Market steadier 1:00 pm At tho Wheat 798 nominal 1 for September 80 to 80 for October 82 bid for November 84 bid for December 92 for May Corn 44 for September 42g bid for October 40 for 38 for the year 39 bid tor May Oats 25 to 258 for September 25 to 25g for October 29g for May I i 5 80 nominal for Sep tember 5 80 for October 5 35 bid for Novem ber Lard 6 22 nominal for September 6 22 to 6 25 for October 6 17 nominal for Novem ber and December 6 10 nominal for the year Pork 8 75 nominal for September 8 77 for October 8 75 nominal for November 9 50 for January 1 i I' Oiiicaao evening Sept 9 loor Quiet unchanged choice and fancy winter wheat flour at 4 85 to 5 25 choice and fancy Michigan and Wisconsin at 4 50 to 5 00 patents at 5 00 to 5 50 Minnesota baker at 3 45 to 4 20' soft wheat spring at 3 35 to 4 00 Grain Wheat closed 2 higher than yes terday sale September at 78 to 80 closed at 76j October at 79 to 81 closed at 80 November at 81 to 82 closed at 82 No 2 spring at 79 Noi 2 red at 83 Corn stronger cun at 44 Soptenlber at 44 to 45 closed at 44 October at 42 to 43 closed st 42 Oat firmer cuh at 25 September at 25 to 25 October at 25 to 25 Rye steady No 2 at 56 LBarley steady at 68 i Provisions Mess pork steady 1 cuh lat 8 75 to 8 80 October at 8 75 to 8 82 closed at 8 77 to 8 80 November at 8 72 to 8 80 Lard quiet and steady cuh at 6 22 to 6 25 October at 6 22 to 6 27 November at 6 15 to 6 17 Boxbd Meats inn dry salted should ers at 3 10 to 4 00 short rib lides at 5 77 to 5 80 short clear rides at 6 15 to 6 20 Quiet at 110 i'i lour 14000 bbls 000 bush corn 334000 bush oats 169000 bush rye 15000 bush barley 45000 bush Shipments lour 7000 bbl wheat 55 000 trash corn 132000 bush oat 199000 bush rye 3000 bush barley 3000 buah New York Markets i I New York Sept 9 Cotton Steady uplands at 10 Orlean at 10 futures quiet and steady September at 9 65 October at 9 48 November at 9 48 December at 9 52 locb Steadier superfine state at 3 00 to 3 30 superfine western at 3 OO to 3 80 common to good extra at 3 30 to 8 75 choice white wheat at 4 75 to 5 25 receipts 15 973 bbls sales 12000 bbl Rye flour steady at 3 00 to 3 25 Wheat very strong receipts 163460' bush sales 40000 bush No 2 red for September at 90 to 91 1384000 bush for October ato 91 to 9 1224000 bush for November at 93 to 94 682000 bush for December at 95 to 99 208000 bush for January at 97 to' 98 Rye dull and heavy Barley nominal Corn higher mixed west ern at 49 to 50 futures at 47 to 50g re ceipts 705500 bush sales 70000 bush Oats higher state at 84 to 42 western at 36 to 43 receipt 196650 bush sales 90000 bush including No 2 for September at 29 Pork steady new: mess 'at 10 OO to 10 50 Lard firm at 6 551 I Butter firm western at 8 to 23 state at 161 to' 24 Cheese firm at 4 to 8 i New York evening Sept 9' Steady' middling uplands at 10 Orlean at 10 locb Shade stronger but without any de cided change receipts 19900 bbls sales 16 i 000 bbls 2 at 2 20 to 3 25 super fine western and state at 3 00 to 330 common to good extra western and state at 3 40 to 3 75 good to choice extra western snd state at 3 80 to 5 25 common to good extra Ohio at 3 40 to 5 20 common to choice extra St Louis at 3 40 to 5 25 patent Minnesota extra good to prime at 5 00 to 5 25 choice to double extra at 5 25 to 5 35 com mon to choice white wheat western extra at 4 75 to 5 00 fancy do at 5 10 to 5 15 Rye flour weaker and more active superfine at' 3 00 to 3 25 Cornmeal steady i and un changed yellow western at 3 OO to 3 30 Wheat Receipts 163000 bush export 99000 bush cash advanced 1 to 1 op tions 1 to 1 'closing heavy with a reaction of to sales 6560000 bush fu ture 270000 bush spot No 2 Chicago at 85 to 85 No 2 red at 91' to 91 for ele vator No 2 red for September closing at October at 92 Corn receipts 105 500 bush spot Ito better option heavy export 31000 bush sales 54 C000 bush future 136000 bush spot No 2 at 49 to 49' for elevator No 2 for September closing at 49 October at 50 196 600 bush spot to 1 better option quiet sales 295000 bush future 181000 bush spot No 2 at 29ft to 30 for elevator mixed western at 25 to 32 'White western at 88 to 43 No 2 for September closed at 29 October at 30 Hay steady shippihg at 70 Hops unchanged 4 Coffee spot fair Rio dull at 8 for old Sugar firm fair to good re fining quoted at 5 7 16 to 5 9 16 standard A at 6 to 6 11 16 cut loaf and crushed at 7 powdered' at 6 to 7 granulated at 7 Mo lasses unchanged 50 test at 17 Rice unchanged Tallow firm at 5 1 16 to 5 Pota toes quiet rose at 2 to 2 50 Norfolk at 2 25 to 2 50 Petroleum unchanged crude at 7 to 7 refined at 8 Provisions Pork steady mess at 10 00 to 10 for inspected Lard lower dull and western steam spot at 6 55 Eggs firm Canadian at 17 to 18 British Grain BXKBBOHM' London Sept 9 Wheat firmer maize nil Cargoes on pssgo Wheat and maize qmet and steady Mark Wheat and maize quiet' English and rench country markets steady Imports to the United Kingdom for the past Wheat 315000 to 320000 qrs maize 140000 to 145000 qt flour 100000 to 105000 bbl Spot wheat rather firmer maize weaker No 1 California at 7 No 2 6 9d both Id dearer A 6 9d 6 lOd spring 6 9d maize 4s 7d last four unchanged Weather in England fine Paris and flour firm i I 1 'L'XX 'L 11 Lr 1 1 21 I 1 1 (U.
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