radiological assessment of vertebral column and spinal cord lesions in dogs 266 cases 1993 2002 (2024)

Authors » Yalçın Devecioğlu, Kemal Altunatmaz, Özgür Aksoy, Suphi Erdem Acar -More

Category » Primary study

Year » 2005

Links » DOI

Abstract The aim of ihis study has been to determine the breed and age distribution and location of lesions occurring in the vertebral column and spinal cord in dogs. To achieve this, radiographics belonging to a total of 266 dogs with vertebral column and spinal cord lesions were evaluated. Of these eases, intervertebral disc disease was observed in 95, spondylosis deformans in 83, fracture in 70. luxation in 10, subluxation in 7, discospondylitis in 3, spondylitis in 1 and firearm injury in 1 case (in 3 of these cases, intervertebral disc disease and spondylosis deformans was seen together and in 1 case fracture and luxation had occurred together). The mean age was 5.7 for cases with intervertebral disc disease and 8.5 for cases with spondylosis deformans. In this study, intervertebral disc disease was diagnosed in a total of 238 intervertebral spaces and their locations were distributed as: 1.7% in C2-C 7 , 9.7% in T 1 -T 10 , 42.4% in T 10 -L 1 , 16.8% in L 1 -L 4 and 29.4% in L 4 -L 7 . Spondylosis deformans lesions were seen to occur at a rate of 31.2% in the thoracal vertebrae and 68.8% in the lumbar vertebrae, of the lesions in the thoracal region: 71 % were in T 9 -T 13 and 29% were in the remaining thoracal vertebrae. In the lumbar region; 49.5% had occurred in L 1 -L 4 . 29% in L 5 -L 7 and 21.5% in L 7 -S 1 . Fractures, luxations and subluxations were seen to occur frequently in the thoracolumbar region and near the lumbo-sacral region. In cases with discospondylitis, the lesion was seen to occur in the intervertebral spaces of L 4 -L 5 in one case. T 6 -T 7 , T 7 -T 8 and T 8 -T 9 in another case and T 11 -T 12 , T 12 -T 13 ,-L 1 and L 1 -L 2 in the remaining case. Our opinion is that this study, in which breed and age distribution of dogs and frequent location of lesions occurring in the vertebral column and spinal cord have been determined, can shed light upon diagnosis of neurological diseases. Key words: Vertebra! column lesions. Spinal cord lesions Radiological assessment. Dog. KOPEKLERDE KOLUMNA VERTEBRALIS VE MEDULLA SPINALIS LEZYONLARININ RADYOLOJIK DEĞERLENDIRMESI: 266 OLGU (1993-2002) Ozet Bu calisma ile. kopeklerde, kolumna vertebralis ve medulla spinalis'de sekillenen lejyonlarin, irk ve yas dagilimlari ile lokalize oldugu bolgelerin belirlenmesi amaclandi. Bu amacla, kolumna vertebralis ve medulla spinalis lezyonu saptanan toplam 266 kopegin radyografileri degerlendirildi. Olgularin. 95'inde intervertebral disk hastaligi, 83'unde spondilosis deformans. 70'inde kirik, 10'unda luksasyon. 7'sinde subluksasyon. 3'unde dIskospondilitis. 1'inde spondilitis ve Tinde de atesli silah mermisine bagli yaralanma saptandi (bu olgularin 3'unde intervertebral disk hastaligi ve spondilosis deformans, 1'inde de kirik ve luksasyon birlikte gozlendi), intervertebral disk hastaligi bulunan olgularin yas ortalamasi 5.7, spondilosis deformans bulunan olgularin yas ortalamasi da 8.5 olarak belirlendi. Calismada toplam 238 aralikta intervertebral disk hastaligi tanisi kondu ve bunlarin, % 1.7'si C 2 -C 7 . %9.7'si T 1 -T 9 , % 42.4'u T 10 -L 1 . % 16.8'i L 1 -L 4 ve % 29.4'unun de L 4 -L 7 arasinda lokalize oldugu gozlendi. Spondilosis deformans lezyonlannin % 31.2 oraninda torakal, % 68.8 oraninda da lumbal vertebralar arasinda sekillendigi saptandi. Torakal bolgedeki lejyonlarin % 71 'inin T 9 -T 13 , % 29'unun da diger torakal vertebralar arasinda. lumbal bolgede ise % 49.5' inin L 1 -L 4, 96 29'unun L 5 -L 7 ve % 21.5'inin de L7-S 1 arasinda sekillendigi belirlendi. Kirik, luksasyon ve subluksasyonlann siklikla torako-lumbal bolge ve lumbo-sakral bolgeye yakin olustugu goruldu. DIskospondilitis olgularinin birinde lezyonun L 4 -L 3 , diger birinde T 6 -T 7 , T 7 -T 8 ve T 8 -T 9 , digerinde ise T 11 -T 12 , T 12 -T 13 , T 13 -L 1 ve L 1 -L 2 intervertebral araliklarda sekillendigi saptandi. Kolumna vertebralis ve medulla spinalis'de sekillenen lezyonlann, irk ve yas dagilimlan ile cogu kez lokalize oldugu bolgelerin belirlendigi bu calismanin, norolojik hastaliklarin tanisina isik tutabilecegi kanisindayiz. Anahtar kelimeler: Kolumna vertebralis lezyonlari, Medulla spinalis lezyonlari, Radyolojik degerlendirme, Kopek.

Epistemonikos ID: 3248b85c2e3e3f60c2d3a440f09abf3dfd2eaffd
First added on: Jun 22, 2022

radiological assessment of vertebral column and spinal cord lesions in dogs 266 cases 1993 2002 (2024)
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